Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Soul Waves Radio Interviews Sr. Agnes Fitzgerald, Cuan Mhuire, Bruree, On Addiction

Dealing with Addiction

Cuan Mhuire has treatment centres all around the country helping people recover from addiction. One of these centres, Cuan Mhuire Bruree, is in Limerick and is synonymous with Sr. Agnes Fitzgerald. Miriam Gormally spoke with Sr. Agnes about the difficulties raised by addiction, how people cope and recover and whether there is a spiritual dimension to their healing. Miriam began by asking Sr. Agnes why some people become addicted to a substance, but others are able to try things and not be affected in the same way.

Click here to listen to the interview with Sr. Agnes Fitzgerald.

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Soul Waves Radio supplies over 30 local and community radio stations throughout Ireland with news, reaction stories and features. Each week, three interviews, edited and ready for transmission, are broadcast and posted to our website, reaching an estimated audience of 300,000. Topics are of a religious and social nature and can fit into a number of categories: Church Year, Calendar Year, Faith/Spirituality, Current Topics, Social Issues, Third World Issues, Human Interest Stories.

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Two Sisters of Mercy work on the Board of Directors of Soul Waves Radio and one Sister is the Administrator.  The Sisters of Mercy also provide financial support to Soul Waves Radio.

