Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Venerable Catherine McAuley And The Eucharistic Congress

On April 28th, a number of Sisters made their way from different parts of Ireland to Catherine’s House in Baggot Street. It was training day for all, who had committed their time ‘to make Catherine known and loved’, for the duration of the Eucharistic Congress.

Canonisation CommitteeCanonisation Committee – From L to R: Catherine McEvoy (Circle of Mercy), Anne Hannon rsm, Anne Reid (Mercy Associate), Ailish O’Brien rsm

First in, were the four members of the Canonisation Committee, Ailish O’Brien rsm, Catherine McEvoy, Circle of Mercy, Anne Reid, Associate and Anne Hannon rsm. Following a welcome cup of tea, we retired to the International Room, where we prepared in detail for the two scheduled meetings of the afternoon. Work done, we partook of a delicious salad prepared for us by Kathy Higgins rsm, MIC Staff member.

At 2 pm we met with Sisters, who were prepared to take the House Tour with Mary Kay Dubrovonly, MIA Assistant Director, Heritage and Spirituality. Mary Kay began the tour at 2.30 pm. The Canonization Committee joined in the tour but had to leave before it was completed to meet the next group at 4 pm.

Sisters of MercyHaving tea before the meeting

As usual in Baggot Street tea, sandwiches and cake was served to the group who were training for their work at the Exhibition Stand in the RDS during the forthcoming Eucharistic Congress. We began our meeting with a prayer for the Canonisation of Catherine. Anne Hannon rsm welcomed the group and introduced the four members of the committee to them. She stressed the importance of their being there and how supportive that felt to the committee. She thanked them for their generous and gracious response to the invitation to the meeting.

A context for the meeting was set by Anne outlining her work from the beginning and she gave a brief explanation of the three stages to Canonization. Catherine McEvoy was invited to say what being there meant to her. Anne Reid explained about the different types of requests for prayer that come to us and showed the type of request sheets that will be available at the exhibition stand. She pointed out that requests for miracle cures through the intercession of Catherine are a special category, which must be documented, submitted to the International Prayer List by a Vice Postulator and must have permission for further use in the case of a miracle recognised by Rome. The other types of requests eg. for success at examinations, or help in acquiring employment, will be put in a petition box and placed on the altar during a monthly Mass in Baggot Street.

Next, the group was given a few pages with Interesting Facts in the Life of Catherine McAuley, Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy.

Then, Anne Hannon invited Anne Reid to describe the last day and dying hours of Catherine. This Anne did in her own inimical way and everybody was deeply touched by the powerful story.

Ailish had prepared a rota for duty at the exhibition stand for the days of the Congress and she gave details about the actual work to take place at the stand. Following some questions, Ailish invited the Sisters to look at their rota and anybody who wished to make adjustments did so. The meetings finished at 5 pm. We scattered to make our way home with the words ‘See you in June’.

May Catherine McAuley bless our work!

Anne Hannon rsm
Vice Postulator for the Cause of Catherine McAuley