Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Miriam O’Callaghan Meets Maureen Forrest And Jenny Browne rsm

Every Sunday morning on RTE Radio One, broadcaster Miriam O’Callaghan has a conversation with two members of one family about their lives and work on a programme called ‘Miriam Meets’.

On Sunday May 8th, ‘Miriam Meets’ interviewed two sisters – Maureen Forest and Jenny Browne rsm. Jenny is a Sister of Mercy and a member of the Southern Province of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy.

Sr. Jenny BrowneSr. Jenny Browne rsm with women in India

12 years ago, Maureen Forrest founded the charity called the Hope Foundation. On a visit to Calcutta in India, she was extremely shocked by the poverty she witnessed and desperately wanted to do something to address this. Maureen invited her sister Jenny to go and work in Calcutta as Overseas Director with the newly formed Hope Foundation.

Jenny had been teaching in the Mercy Secondary School in Waterford at the time and was given the go ahead to go to Calcutta by her Provincial Leader.

The Hope Foundation is a registered Irish charity set up in 1999 to help restore basic human rights to the street children of Kolkata (Calcutta). HOPE today has offices in Ireland, the UK, Germany and India.

The Hope Foundation was set up initially to fund one girls home. Today, HOPE funds 60 projects in health care, education, vocational training, drug rehabilitation and child protection.

Click here to listen to the full interview

Visit the website of the Hope Foundation 

