Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Marvis Mazhunga Is Received Into The South African Province

Saturday 22nd January, 2011 was quite a significant date in the history of the South African Province: Marvis Mazhunga was received into the Novitiate in the re-established Formation House. Marvis who is from Zimbabwe and a Teacher by profession first met the Sisters of Mercy in Winterveldt: she then taught for some time in Mmakau Adult Education Centre.

Marvis and her sister, Sr. Andrea O.P.

Sister Andrea OP, an older sister of Marvis, represented the family at the reception and presented her with the family Bible, a gift from her parents, with admonitions to read and reflect on its contents.

Marvis receives the cross from Sr. Therese Tangey, the provincial leader, and Sr. Mirriam Senatsi, the formator

We were also happy to welcome Sister Juliana Yarkan from Nigeria, Sister Helen Crehan from the Western Province and Scottish born Maria Douglas, all of whom joined the resident South African, American and Irish Sisters in the celebrations, proof of our internationality and interdependence.

The ceremony ends with the singing of a Shona thanksgiving hymn

The reception Ceremony was simple but moving in that it reminded all of us present of the promises we made many years ago and helped us to renew our commitment to the Mercy way of life. ‘Through our apostolic consecration we participate in the holiness of the Church, and give our lives completely to the saving mission of Christ.’ (Constitution, article 4).


Immaculata Devine rsm
South African Province