Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


A Dream Come True

Sr Anne Farragher at her EaselSr. Anne Farragher at her easel

This idea grew out of the necessity to provide a form of relaxation for staff at the Galway Hospice coupled with the desire of members to become involved in painting.  A small group of artists and I came together once a week and after a few months produced twenty six paintings.  No sooner had we begun than the invitation was voiced “why don’t we paint as a fundraiser for hospice?”All were prepared to donate their paintings towards this good cause. We then expanded the invitation to Sisters of the Western Province, our friends and fellow artists. The response was overwhelming.  After one month we had received fifty one paintings.

Sorting the PaintingsSorting the paintings

All kinds of paintings came from the length and breath of the province and from as far away as Dublin.   ‘Express Mercy couriers’ and friends transported these paintings.  A number of small paintings sold during this gathering period.  Paintings continued to come in.  Eighty one paintings were exhibited for staff during the last weekend of November and twenty two were sold.  During December the remainder were photographed and prepared for sale ‘on line’.  By then we had received ninety four paintings in total.

This small beginning expanded, thanks to the generous contribution of so many people, it has grown into something that will continue into the future.   The plan is to replace paintings as they sell for this worthy cause.

Arranging the PaintingsArranging the paintings

This wonderful project is appreciated by all at Hospice where our philosophy is ‘to help people live life as fully as possible for as long as possible’.

A Work in ProgressA Work in Progress

Anne Farragher rsm
Western Province