Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Sr. Consilio Receives Honorary MBE Award

The news of Sr. Consilio Fitzgerald’s Honorary MBE has been greeted with delight by people right across the country.  Past and present treatment recipients, their families, Cuan Mhuire staff members, Mercy Sisters, Sr. Consilio’s family and a huge circle of supporters and friends rejoiced with Sr. Consilio as the work she started in 1966 and the service Cuan Mhuire provides across the country received such public recognition.

Sr. Consilio Fitzgerald

Sr. Thomasina Finn of the Mercy Sisters Provincial Leadership Team in Naas said; “We heartily congratulate Sr. Consilio on gaining the Honorary MBE Award.  Her sterling work as a Sister of Mercy is a source of inspiration and encouragement for all of us.  We recognise also the detailed, day to day committment that has been required over many years to develop and deliver treatment programmes of the calibre being provided by Cuan Mhuire.  May Sr. Consilio and all involved in Cuan Mhuire continue as their Mission Statement says:

To provide a context in which persons who feel rejected or dejected because of their addictions, …..  discover their uniqueness, giftedness and the real purpose in life.”

Cuan Mhuire is inspired by the belief “that every human being is made to the image and likeness of God, this means, that deep within each one, there are unlimited capacities for goodness, gentleness, kindness, generosity, endurance, happiness, joy, peace, love and truth”.

In 2010 Cuan Mhuire won the prestigious CHKS Quality Improvement Award which was presented at the Royal Institute of British Architects, London.

Read more about the CHKS Quality Improvement Award at

Read more about the Honorary MBE at

South Central Province