Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Looking At Elements Of Faith In Longford


With a flourishing branch of the Legion of Mary in our Parish in Longford, the Patricians have been re-established. (The Society of the Patricians is a branch of the Legion of Mary open to all Catholics who want to build up their religious knowledge through the means of a discussion group).

Once a month on a Saturday evening at 8.30 p.m. this evangelising group meets.  Who attends is the first question?  Members of the Legion of Mary with their Spiritual Director and young people from Primary, Secondary and Third level, who want to explore further the implications of their faith and commitment as Catholics.  Some parents are there with their children. Each young person whether with a parent or not, must have written permission from a parent or guardian to be in attendance. That permission is updated on a yearly basis.

What happens at each meeting?  The format is as follows.  A Patrician Prayer for blessing is said at the beginning of each session and then one of the young people read a paper that they have prepared on a certain topic.  The topic has been chosen at the previous meeting by the young people themselves.

It is generally of a spiritual nature e.g The Holy Spirit at Pentecost, The Sacrament of Penance, Purgatory etc… This provides an opportunity for the young person to read in public for the group, what they know or what they have learned on the topic. Discussion follows and gives everyone an opportunity to clarify for themselves, in a better way perhaps, what they believe in, in the light of what they have heard.  Then there is a break and all enjoy a cup of tea, freshly baked scones and some biscuits, provided each time by the Treasurer of the Legion branch.

The discussion keeps flowing through the cup of tea, when the session resumes for part two of the meeting, the Spiritual Director reads her paper on the topic under discussion.  This provides further enlightenment and is followed by further discussion.

In our group the Spiritual Director is a Sister of Mercy, who has had a wealth of experience with young people and her presence there is dynamic.  She shares from her wealth of spirituality and experience of life.  Most of all she empowers by her presence both the Legion members and the young people.  In this way she nourishes and builds up the people of God, especially the youth in the local church.


Finally, after about an hour and a half the session concludes with the recitation of the Apostles creed by all present.

Before the meeting ends, a topic is chosen for the next session one month later and a young person volunteers to do the paper on that topic.

Written by a Sister of Mercy, Longford
Western Province