Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Together We Can Help Make A Difference – 2010

‘Build it Week – Haiti, October 2010’

Recent events in our world flashing across our screens nightly have opened our eyes to the plight of peoples elsewhere. Once upon a time we only focused on Africa and we all have memories of contributing to ‘the Missions’. The scenes of utter devastation and the displacement of the nine million people in Haiti following the earthquake have made us all sit up and take notice. At the time we, in the Provincial Team, were struggling with trying to come to terms with the reality of our future needs. Haiti just wouldn’t go away! It was constantly at the back of my mind.

Was it coincidence then, or a movement of the Spirit that I was watching T.V. the night of the documentary on the Haven Partnership? George Hook (a journalist in RTE) was the commentator on this Partnership’s work in Haiti and he was so passionate about the need that it really touched me deeply.  I knew I couldn’t walk away from this. I had to do something! I was very conscious of trying to hold the balance between our reality in the Province and our Chapter Statement’s call “to alleviate extreme poverty, by acting collaboratively at local and global levels”. The Haven Partnership Project seemed to be the link.


So what is the Haven Partnership? Recently the founder of Haven, Leslie Buckley was named Cork Person of the Month. Mr. Buckley is one of Ireland’s leading business people with a hugely successful record as an entrepreneur and business consultant. He and his wife, Carmel, set up the Haven Partnership in late 2008. Leslie’s business interests had brought him to Haiti for the first time in 2004. The level of poverty he saw there horrified him. He there and then decided to do something about it. He set up Haven with an initial donation of 1 million Euro. It is a house and community building NGO focused solely on Haiti since the first sod was turned there in 2009. In that year Haven brought 260 volunteers from Ireland on its first Build It Week. This first project undertaken in Haiti took place in the North East of the country with a population of approximately 100,000. It is a mainly rural area and very under-developed. There, Haven hopes to build 200 new homes and upgrade 250 more.

Since then twice a year Haven’s Haitian workforce is joined on site by a team of volunteers who take part in an intensive Build It Week. While there, the volunteers live and work on the building site in extremely basic conditions. This year Haven is taking 500 volunteers on its Build It Week from 23rd to 31st October, 2010. Most of the beneficiaries previously lived in makeshift huts, often with thatched roofs. They have no running water and most have no toilet facilities. Since the earthquake they no longer have anything and Haven has been working in the capital, Port-au-Prince, providing emergency relief to those most affected.

On a recent conference call which originated during our Leadership Plenary Conference, I mentioned my interest in the Haven Partnership. It was agreed that I would draw up an information flyer on the “Build It Week” in Haiti and send it to each Province to distribute among the younger Sisters. There was a very positive response from the Provinces and as a result nine Sisters committed to going – many more shared that they would love to go but because of dates and work commitments were unable to volunteer at this time.

On October 23rd, 2010, Srs. Bernadette Costello, Nora Flynn, Frances Kennedy, Mary Madigan, Kate Morris from the Southern Province; Ailish O’Brien from South Central; Kathy Higgins, Ann O’Shaughnessy and Mary Walshe from the Western Province will travel to Haiti along with 401 other volunteers.

Reading the reasons the Sisters gave for volunteering speak loudly about the commitment, the generosity, and the Chapter call which motivates us to do what we can, where we can and when we can in all the places where Mercy is alive and well.

Ann O’Shaughnessy

On the days and weeks following the devastating earthquake in Haiti I listened with horror to the stories about the desperate plight of the people there. When the invitation came from our PLT for us Mercies to join the Haven volunteers for the October Build It Week 2010 I had an ‘Obama moment’ and felt myself thinking ‘Yes, we can’!

Mary Walshe

Ever since the earthquake, I felt an urge to respond in some way.

Bernadette Costello

Why not? For many years I have wanted to do something in a country suffering a humanitarian crisis. When I heard about the Haven Build It Week I decided that the time had come for me to do something and Haven has made it possible. I’m healthy and energetic – so it’s pay back time.

Ailish O’Brien

I received a flyer from Veronica Mangan which had two pieces of information side by side – The first was that volunteers were needed to build houses for poor families in Haiti. The second was our 2006 Congregational Chapter Statement. Immediately I knew that the only response for me was to volunteer and hopefully, in that way, to make a difference.

Kate Morris

I am going to Haiti because I have been blessed with the health and energy which allow me help out the people there. Having experienced many earthquakes in California I have seen the utter destruction and devastation they can cause where the poorest often lose everything. The week in Haiti is an opportunity to work with others so the people there can begin to rebuild their lives again from the ground up.

Mary Madigan

I believe that we are all One on this planet. It is a privilege to be able to participate in a positive way at a global level. We are interconnected and there is enough for all. So in my fundraising efforts I see myself as a link in this chain of interconnectedness linking those who have with those who have nothing at all in Haiti right now. Thank you to all who have contributed and to those who will contribute.

Frances Kennedy

Everything within is “urging me” to go to Haiti to give of my time, along with others, to do our bit to provide homes for those devastated by the earthquake.

Nora Flynn

I want to experience what the people of Haiti are suffering. I also want to give thanks to God for my health and the ability to go.

Kathy Higgins

For a long time I have had the desire to do one of these building weeks. Following the Haiti earthquake, when I co-ordinated a collection through the school, the response was phenomenal I was delighted when this opportunity was offered to us as I feel this is one small way I can help make a real difference in people’s lives.

At this difficult time in our Mercy story it is inspiring and encouraging to see that the spirit of Catherine faithfully followed by Mercy women over the last 179 years is still evoking a ‘yes’ in the hearts of so many of our Sisters. Catherine’s maxim “…the poor need help today, not next week” is still relevant.

Let us continue to encourage and support the Sisters who are at this time busy fundraising and preparing physically to respond to extreme poverty in Haiti and an experience that I have no doubt will be both challenging and life changing for all involved.

Eileen McSweeney, Vocations Director, is the Co-Ordinator of the group of Sisters travelling. They are being supported in this venture by the Congregation but need to raise €4,500 each in funding. If you would like to support the Sisters financially, I invite you to either send a donation to Eileen McSweeney or lodge it in the fundraising Bank Account that has been set up in Bank of Ireland, Clonakilty

Sr. Eileen McSweeney
Apartment 3
Arus Mhuire
McCurtin Hill
Co. Cork


Bank of Ireland, Clonakilty
Haiti Haven Fundraising Account
Sort Code – 902610
Account Number: 46905657

To make a lodgement from outside Ireland you will need the following information:

IBAN No. IE93 BOFI 9026 1046 9056 57


Veronica Mangan rsm
Provincial Leadership Team
Southern Province