Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


New Mercy International Association Communications Facility

On the weekend of 8th and 9th of May, eleven members of our Congregation, from four of our seven Provinces, participated in a workshop held by Adele Howard rsm and Anne Walsh of Fraynework Multimedia, at Mercy International Centre, Baggot Street, Dublin. The purpose of the weekend was to introduce those present to the new mercy world web platform which has just been developed for Mercy International Association.

PatricipantsParticipants view the new web facility

In attendance were Mary Reynolds rsm, Executive Director of MIA along with the members of her team, Sylvia Williams rsm and Mary Kay Dobrovolny rsm and representatives from eight of the nine Mercy Congregations world wide.

AdeleAdele Howard rsm, Director Fraynework Multimedia, presents the new web facility to the gathering

During the course of the two days, Adele and Anne introduced us to the new web platform which will shortly replace the existing website of Mercy International Association

We were struck by the beauty of the design, the ease of navigation and the wealth of material which is available there. The great richness of our Mercy tradition and the ongoing mission of the Sisters of Mercy all over the world to respond to global poverty are portrayed with creativity and sensitivity.

AnneAnne Walsh, Fraynework Multimedia, assists one of the participants

It was wonderful for us to be part of such a gathering and to have the opportunity to discuss together about the new web platform and the possibilities it lays before us. We look forward with anticipation to the launch of the new web facility and to the opportunity it will afford us to speak with one voice and present the global face of Mercy to the world.

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Ailish O’Brien rsm