Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Asante Clinic

Four years ago an optician by the name of Bernard Jennings from Carlow began Asante Eye Clinic in Nuu, two hundred and fifty kilometres from Nairobi. This clinic runs every year from Holy Thursday to Easter Monday. It is interesting to note that the number of patients increases every year. This years Asante Clinic had a total of four hundred and eighty patients. Of these one hundred and forty seven have cataracts and are booked for surgery at Kikuyu Eye Hospital. This is one of the best facilities for eye care in Kenya.

Eye testing Mr Bernard Jennings conducting an eye test in Nuu

The operations took place on the 25th and 26th of April, 2010. This year’s clinic was unusual in that there were extraordinarily heavy rains and despite four wheel drive vehicles, we got stuck in the mud a number of times. Bernard Jennings had a team of five people, one of them being his own daughter who is also studying to be an optician.

This whole venture was the dream of Sr. Goretti Ward, popularly known as ‘Mutanu’ by the Kamba people; which means the joyous one. Over the last four years we have seen and given hope to over one thousand five hundred patients who either needed surgery or needed glasses. We have gone to out of reach and far away places and I believe nobody else would have gone there. There are some cases that are too far gone and nothing can be done for them but for many this is a great gift. I feel mercy has been extended to all these people as without this, they would never have hope of getting to see an optician.

Thanks to our province for allowing this wonderful work of Mercy to take place in Nuu. Long live Asante Clinic through the generous donations of the people of Carlow, the Sisters of Mercy and the well wishers of Ireland.

Bernadette Mueni rsm
Kenyan Province