Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


My Experience Of The Peru Regional Assembly January 2010

Since our arrival in the retreat house where the assembly was to be held, the spirit of union in the group and the positive energy flowing from one to the other was palpable. This Spirit accompanied us in all our discussions and deliberations during the days from the 11th to the 16th January, 2010.

During this time we felt the call to live at both the foot of the cross and the garden of the resurrection. We continued to live the experience of the Ryan Report. We were very much affected by the images of the earthquake in our sister country Haiti. On the 15th we learned that Cait Wims’ mother was gravely ill in Ireland. I feel that we were called to be there for one another and for those who were suffering in our wider family.

There were moments of light in our process which brought us into the time of resurrection. I always feel that it is such a blessing to have the presence of Bernie Ryan with us. Each time she comes, the relationship grows and we grow in understanding each other. Our process to create a Strategic Plan has been one which has helped us enormously grow as a Region.

I think that these moments of pain and joy brought us to the central moment of our election with open hearts and the team that we elected will lead us into the future with hope in the middle of the reality of who we are and what the needs of our world are. As Coirle said to us in her visit, we are both flawed and faithful.

The prayers prepared in turn by each community, made us even more aware of the God of our history and the God of our present. It is therefore with faith I repeat a phrase which we used during our assembly for you:

Yo estoy con ustedes todos los dias hasta el fin de la historia
I am with you always, yes till the end of time

Doraliza Castro Alayo
Southern Province