Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


An Gairdin Organic And Ecology Education

Awakening to the awesomeness of the interconnectedness and the interdependence of all reality, draws us into a wholly new and intimate relationship with the Universe, and with Earth in its multiform expressions.

Universe Story Launch

We have had mystics describe their experience of this interconnectedness.  Indigenous peoples intuitively know this connectedness.  In the modern world scientists reveal to us this same stupendous reality.  Scientists have revealed the Story of the Universe.  This is the story of how everything we know today came into being over a 13½ billion years period of time.  Every moment of the story is one of awesome mystery and sheer gift.  It awakens us to a new and radical understanding of our relationship of interconnectedness with everything, and awakens us to a new and radical understanding of who we are as humans on planet Earth.

An Gáirdín Horticultural Class

Awakening to this interconnectedness we at An Gáirdín are committed to living in communion with one another and with Earth’s magnificent diversity of life. Mindfulness of the finite nature of Earth and her gifts evokes in us an urgent sense of respect and responsibility.  This is expressed in how we live and in what we do.

So who are we at An Gáirdín?  Well we, Anne Mills and Noreen Lyons live here.  There are a number of Sisters around the province who are very much part of the planning and the implementing of our Programmes and the ongoing work of an Gáirdín.  Paws the dog, the cats Snuggles and Lucky along with our hens and lone drake are also part of our community here.

 Anne Preparing Organic Lunch

We invite others, young and old to join us on this journey.  We continue with a study group to explore the unfolding mystery of the Universe Story on a fortnightly basis.  No opportunity to share the story, formally and informally is missed.  We also offer the Story to Primary schools.  Anything we choose to do and how we actually do it flows from this story.  The story shapes how we relate to every aspect of Earth – hence ‘Organic’ Horticulture; ‘Sustainable’ Building; and ‘Sustainable’ Education.  We teach Food Appreciation and Preparation.

National Tree Planting Week

We take every opportunity to plant native trees and hedgerows and we encourage Biodiversity is all its forms. We have planted ¾ hectare of native trees and we always promote tree planting with various groups during Tree Week.  During the past year we are part of a team facilitating ‘Be the Change’ symposia.  We host guest speakers on various Earth issues.  Among others we have had Anne Primavesi, Larry Edwards, Judith Hoad and Miriam Therese McGillis.

Joerg Mullers Medical Herb Presentation

Rustic Furniture Class

For the past year we have been able to use our new room for our events.  This is a second-hand wooden building which was reassembled.  All of the materials are either recycled, natural or locally sourced.   It is a demonstration of much research and of multiple aspects of sustainability, from the materials used to the various forms of energy and rainwater harvesting.

New Room

The changing seasons and cycles of nature, Equinox and Solstice are occasions to celebrate.  These are special times to tune into the rhythms of the natural world and to celebrate the four elements of life, the four Gifts of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

We have an open door.  Do come and visit us.


Contact Details:  An Gaírdín, St, Brigids Road, Fairyhill, Portumna, Co Galway.  Telephone 0909 9741689


Noreen Lyons rsm
Western Province