Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Visit Of US Secretary For Health To Winterveldt

The US Secretary for Health, Michael Leavitt and several senior US health officials, including Dr. Julie Gerberding of the Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta, visited Mercy Clinic on the 20th of August as part of a ten-day African visit to countries receiving funding from the President’s Emergency Relief Funding for AIDS (PEPFAR).

Secretary Leavitt spent most of his short visit chatting with patients who are receiving anti-retroviral treatment and hearing how the treatment had helped improve their lives. Mercy Clinic was one of only two of the many projects receiving assistance from the US to be visited by the US Cabinet Secretary.

In addition to the health officials, the Secretary’s parents and son came from Utah on the 10 day tour.  Ruth Stark accompanied the delegation.  Ruth has been a Mercy Associate for many years with the Burlingame community.

Special guided tours of the campus and health facilities were given by ace tour guides – Sr. St. John, Fr. Ian and Sr. Christine.

Community representatives provided entertainment for the visitors.


South African Province