Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


Galilee Community

Travelling the N4 between Boyle and Sligo you come on the following road signs: Galilee Community, A Sacred Space of Prayer and Reflection. If you accept the invitation and turn  off  the main thoroughfare, leaving behind the speeding cars and lorries, you are greeted by a second sign listing the hours of community prayer and the availability of the Sacred Space. Inside the community residence a colourful brochure describes Galilee as a place of prayer, reflection and sacred landscapes that draw the human spirit to find God present in our life experiences.

While still in the early days of its development, Galilee has already welcomed many visitors who come to pray and experience some of the ‘happenings’ at Galilee. The community are encouraged by the enthusiastic and affirmative response of those who have participated in any way in the life of the community.

Galilee Community is an initiative of the Sisters of Mercy of the Western Province. The core community, consisting of three Sisters of Mercy, invite people of all Christian denominations to join them for prayer and community.

Their vision is to create and visibly witness to an open Gospel based form of community, and to invite others to connect with the core group to form an extended community in search of new and creative ways of responding to the spiritual hunger of our time.

Many modern day authors writing in the area of spirituality and Religious Life claim that the need for connectedness and prayer are among the basic hungers of our culture. This creates the need for a form of community life where hospitality, openness and flexibility are hallmarks. The Galilee community attempts to respond to this named need and to develop a process that remains open to emerging needs.

People seeking personal transformation or just quiet time from the pace and pressures of life are invited to an environment of hospitality and prayer in the midst of the natural beauty of woodlands, lakes and mountains.

In one of his poems, W.B.Yeats speaks of the inner peace experienced in the stillness and beauty of nature:

“And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow….”

The hope is, that the  natural beauty surrounding ‘Galilee’, and time for prayer and quiet in a Sacred Space will give people an opportunity to get in touch with that inner peace.

The discerning process to establish the community has been ongoing for three years. Its initial establishment was in response to needs expressed by young adults, and others who were searching for something different as a way of responding to God and to the emptiness they were experiencing in life. It was also in response to our ’94 Chapter directive – “We commit ourselves to continually search out and create together new ways of being life giving Mercy communities in mission.”

The core community at ‘Galilee’, from left – Breege Donohue, Mae McManus and Olive Flanagan sharing the vision

The Mission Statement of Galilee
Inspired by the gospel and the vision of Catherine McAuley, the Galilee Community provides a sacred space in an environment of hospitality and respect, where individuals of all faiths can seek transformation through prayer, reflection and community lived in reverent relationship with all of creation.

‘At Home ‘ retreats, spiritual companioning, scripture walks, busy person’s evening at Galilee, and a confidential prayer line are some of the ‘happenings’ currently offered as part of the Galilee experience.

Friday evenings are a time to meet the neighbours, share the vision of the community and welcome their input and response. These are proving to be valuable and enjoyable gatherings. All seem to enjoy the comfortable cup of tea and freshly baked scones. I think Catherine McAuley would approve!!

Situated in the midst of lakes, woodlands and mountains, Galilee commands a spectacular view of picturesque countryside bordering Leitrim, Sligo and Roscommon. It provides an ideal setting for a short break or an extended stay. The surrounding area provides ample opportunity to combine prayer/meditation with a variety of outdoor activities including walking, hill walking, cycling, boating, fishing and sight seeing.

As well as the human visitors, Galilee boasts of its many and varied species of birds and animals. The frequent and leisurely visits of some of these furry creatures make it very clear that we are strangers on the hill.

You are welcome to visit the Sacred Space between 9 am – 7 pm on Monday – Friday. Community prayer is at 9:15 am, at noon and at 7 pm and it is based on scripture and seasonal themes.

Mae McManus rsm
Western Province

The Galilee Community is the dream child of Mae McManus – Co- Ordinator of the ‘New Membership Group’ in the Western Province