Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

MECPATHS And Maynooth University

MECPATHS And Maynooth University

MECPATHS, in partnership with Maynooth University, are launching an accredited module on Human Trafficking for students undertaking a Masters in (…) Read More

The Day Of Pentecost

What Does This Mean?:  (Acts 2:12) There was darkness over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God (…) Read More

Mercy Global Presence

Mercy Global Presence

Mercy Global Presence is an organic entity and a countercultural sign in a globalised world which has made more extreme the displacement of persons and (…) Read More

Pentecost Novena 2020

Pentecost Novena 2020

Day III – Sunday, May 24th Where the Spirit is, there is creation and new life. Where the Spirit is, (…) Read More

Pope Encourages Storytelling On World Communications Day

Pope Encourages Storytelling On World Communications Day

As Pope Francis recalls World Communications Day, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication reflects on the Church’s role in (…) Read More

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