Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Anointed To Bring Glad Tidings – Luke 4

Anointed To Bring Glad Tidings – Luke 4

August 31st, 2020 He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, (…) Read More

Hope In A Time Of Pandemic

Hope In A Time Of Pandemic

Responding To COVID-19 Through A Mercy Lens Today, Mercy Global Action COVID-19 Response Task Force is pleased to launch a (…) Read More

Mercy And The Degradation Of The Earth Resources

Mercy And The Degradation Of The Earth Resources

As part of Mercy Global Presence, resources have been provided for Theme 2 – Mercy and The Degradation of the (…) Read More

Mercy Global Presence Updates

Mercy Global Presence Updates

Mercy Global Presence has released the poster and reflective poster for Theme 3 – Mercy and the Displacement of People.  (…) Read More

Pope At Audience: Recognise Human Dignity In Every Person

Pope At Audience: Recognise Human Dignity In Every Person

Pope Francis at his General Audience says in responding to the Coronavirus pandemic Christians are called to combat all violations (…) Read More

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