Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Something Old Something New

Something Old Something New

“I believe this is the time for mercy”, words spoken by Pope Francis in his ninety minute interchange with journalists (…) Read More

Fields Of Poetry Echoed By Rose

Fields Of Poetry Echoed By Rose

Poet Rose Moran rsm is seen above in the company of two honoured guests, Mayor Larry Bannon and Mary Carlton (…) Read More

100th Birthday Celebrations

The Convent of Mercy, Beechmount in Belfast was the place to be on the 26th December last.  Apart from celebrating (…) Read More

MIC Welcomes Western Colleagues

MIC Welcomes Western Colleagues

Front Door of the Mercy International Centre November 29th, 2013 was a day of particular significance for me. That was (…) Read More

A Novus Habitus Mentis: Canon Law As Empowerment Of Communio

A Novus Habitus Mentis: Canon Law As Empowerment Of Communio

The inspiration for this study arose from the Gospel call to community, the teaching of Vatican II and the study (…) Read More

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