Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

The Twentieth Anniversary Of The Founding Of Mercy Associates In The South Central Province

The Twentieth Anniversary Of The Founding Of Mercy Associates In The South Central Province

In the autumn of 1998 Sr. Helena O’Donoghue, the then Provincial of South Central Province, called a meeting of Sisters (…) Read More

Celebrating 20 Years Of Mercy Associates

Celebrating 20 Years Of Mercy Associates

What will the day bring?  Will we be on time? Will we be in groups?  What time will we be (…) Read More

Mercy Day Mass And Website Launch

Mercy Day Mass And Website Launch

A wonderful day was had by all who attended Catherine’s House in Baggot Street for Mercy Day Mass.  The Mass (…) Read More

RTE Radio 1 Interview

RTE Radio 1 Interview

    Carole Coleman from the This Week programme on RTE Radio 1  spoke to JP O’Sullivan, MECPATHS and Sarah (…) Read More

Thank You From MECPATHS

Thank You From MECPATHS

MECPATHS wished to thank everyone who came to the Research Launch Night.  To read the communication, please click here Read More

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