Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy

Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy


To The God Of Mercy

God of mystery, God of mercy, God of life!
Before the throb of time you held us,
And life began to dance
From darkness into light, from dust to living flesh.
Down the steps of time life came
And brought us to this place.
Here in this open field, or city street,
Market square, or desert sand,
Tall dwelling, tiny shack,
We turn to you, O God.

May cloud, and mountain high,
Rock, and forest deep,
Each being that has breath,
Or swims the oceans’ way,
The tiny life that loves the darkness of the clay,
May everything that is,
Find in our hearts a place of mercy and of love.

 May the faces that we meet,
The footfall on the street,
The arm outstretched to ours,
The smile in voice and flower,
The music of life’s dancing, and
the cry of living pain,
Be your word to us, O God
Again and yet again.

Hold us all with gentle hands, O God of mercy.
Christ and Mary, be with us on our journey
Round the earth and ‘round the Sun
And may all our roads lead us to you, O God,
Our beginning and our home. Amen
(Rosaleen Hogan RSM)

